Spring is not here yet but that doesn’t mean we can’t sow anything before then. I had a look at a few items that can still be planted as we head out of Winter and get ready for Spring, so don't be put off by the end of season slump.
Take a look at some of these great growers:
Asparagus crowns can still be planted. One crown will produce 25 Spears and you can expect harvests for the next 15 – 20 years! Growing your own fresh Asparagus has never been easier or more delicious...here's how:
Separate the asparagus crowns from the bundle and soak the bare-root asparagus roots in water for 15-30 minutes prior to planting so that they are well hydrated going into the ground.
Remember that, when planting bare-root asparagus, the crown always remains toward the top of the planting hole.
Dig the planting area at least 15 - to 30cm deep and about 30cm wide. Space individual asparagus plants 30 - to 45 -inches apart for room to grow.
Cape Gooseberries are also a great option. Cape gooseberries are globular fruits, averaging 1 to 2 centimeters in diameter, and are encased in a green to tan, papery husk that forms an inflated, lantern shape. The skin of the fruit is initially waxy and slightly sticky when removed from the husk, giving way to a smooth and taut consistency.
Cape Gooseberry grows well in full sun and in a wide range of different soil types, although the plants should be protected from heavy frosts.
Carrots and bean seeds can also be sown in situ now.
Rainbow Carrot Mix is very exciting and will give you a mix of eye-catching colorful carrots including purple, white, orange, and yellow each with a slightly different flavor from the other!
They can grow in almost any soil but benefits most from growing in soil that has been well dug and manured. The beans are quite good when the pods are picked young and tender. They are full of flavor and are fleshy with a fine texture. Pick them regularly to ensure a continuous crop.
Due to the tall plant height, Runner Bean plants can also be used as wind breaks and wind protection in the vegetable garden.
There are also some wonderful Herbs that can be sown in August. My favourites are Thyme, Parsley, Basil, Coriander and Rocket.
Thyme is a aromatic herbaceous plant, it has dark green leaves and small white flowers. Grown in the full sun, it is a year round herb. Harvest at two to three months, it is a great accompaniment to a stuffing with traditional roast chicken.
Curly Parsley is a good biennial strain of parsley producing curly leaves. Grow in the sun year-round and at 2 to 3 months you will have a constant parsley supply.
Italian Large Leaf Basil is the most popular variety has the largest leaves of any of the basil varieties. Sweet, spicy flavour can be used in a wide variety of ways in the kitchen...cooked, fresh, in sauces, salads, cooked dishes, etc.! Plants grow 60 to 80cm tall with large green leaves from 5 to 10cm long. Compared to Genovese, the scent and taste is more sweet and mild. Slow bolting. This variety self sows freely, so deadhead if you do not want volunteer seedlings! Italian Large Leaf Basil is suitable for growing in containers, and attractive to bees, butterflies, and/or birds.
Coriander is an indispensable ingredient in Indian Cooking. Very easy to grow in a pot indoors, on the patio or near a dripping tap. Grows easily and gives you a constant supply of coriander leaves for your next Indian dish.
Rocket has a rich, peppery taste, and has an exceptionally strong flavour for a leafy green. It is generally used in salads, often mixed with other greens in a mesclun, but is also cooked as a vegetable or used raw with pasta or meats in northern Italy. The perfect garnish for the popular Carpaccio dish. This herb is easy to grow and prolific.
An indispensable ingredient in Indian Cooking. Very easy to grow in a pot indoors, on the patio or near a dripping tap. Grows easily and gives you a constant supply of coriander leaves for your next Indian dish.
So there you have it, there is so much you can grow while you wait for Spring and enjoy happy and healthy crops until the warmer weather!
About the Author
Kelly Dini is the Seeds for Africa customer service guru! Kelly is a qualified horticulturist with 20 years of hands on experience and loves to assist customers with recommendations and giving excellent advice.