- 1 litre
- 100% Biodegradable
- 100% Natural
- 5 litre
- Acacia
- Additives
- Additives & Supplements
- Adenium Obesum
- African Daisy
- African Horned Melon
- African Succulent
- African Vegetable
- against mold
- Agapanthus
- Agave
- Agricultural Disinfectant
- Air Circulators & Fans
- Air Pots
- Air Pumps
- Air Stones
- Air Tubing
- Alcohol free
- Alfalfa
- ALightingSale
- all year round flowering
- Aloe
- Alyssum
- Amaranth
- Anemone bulbs
- Anise
- Annual
- Annual Flower
- Annual Flower Seeds
- Aquadulce
- Aristida
- Artemesia
- Artichoke
- Arugula
- Arum Lily Bulbs
- asian
- Asian Greens
- Asparagus
- Assorted Summer Bulbs Not Seeds
- Astrophytum
- Atami Wilma System
- Autopot Components
- Autopot Systems
- autumn flowering plant
- Autumn Shades
- Babiana
- Babiana bulbs
- Baboon Root
- Baby Carrot
- Baby Lettuce
- Baby Marrow
- Baby veg
- Baby Vegetable
- Baby Vegetables
- Bachelor buttons
- Ballasts
- Bamboo
- Banana
- Barenbrug
- Basil
- Bato Dutch Buckets
- Bato Square Pots
- bean
- Beans
- Bedding Plant
- Bedding Plants
- Beetroot
- bell pepper
- Berry
- Berry Seeds
- best selling
- Biogrow
- Bishops Crown
- Black Mustard
- Bluelab
- Blumat Components
- Blumat Systems
- Bonsai
- Bonsai Containers
- Bonsai Drainage Mesh
- Bonsai IT Kit
- Bonsai Soil Mix
- Bonsai Wire
- Bookmark
- Borage
- border plants
- Botrytis
- Brassica
- brinjal
- Broad Bean
- Broad Beans
- Broccoli
- Brussel Sprouts
- Bug Barriers
- Bulb
- Bulb Food
- Bulb Seeds
- Bulbinella
- Bulbs
- Bulk Herb Seeds
- Bulk Seeds
- Bulk Vegetable Seeds
- Bunching Onion
- Butternut
- C02
- Cabbage
- Cable Ties
- Cacti
- Calendula
- Cantaloupe
- Cape Gooseberry
- Caraway
- Carnivorous
- Carnivorous Growing Medium
- Carrot
- Catnip
- Cauliflower
- Celeriac
- Celery
- Certified Organic
- Chamomile
- Cherries
- Cherry Tomato
- Chervil
- Chia
- chicory
- children's books
- chilli
- Chilli Germination Kits
- Chilli Pepper
- Chinese Cabbage
- Chinese Chives
- Chives
- Chloris
- Cilantro
- Clay Aggregate / LECA
- cleaning
- Cleistocactus
- clone cleaning
- Cloning Systems
- Coco Coir
- Coco Peat
- Coco Peat / Coir
- Codonorhiza
- Coir
- Colchicum
- Collard
- Collards
- Comfrey
- companion planting
- Complete Units
- Container
- Container Friendly
- container plants
- Container Strawberry
- cool weather
- Coriander
- Corn
- Cornflower
- Cornsalad
- Cos Lettuce
- Cover crop
- Craft Soils & Substrates
- Creeper
- Creeping Thyme
- Cress
- Crocus
- Cucumber
- Cucumis
- Cumin
- Curly Parsley
- cut flowers
- Cutting & Pruning
- Cyanella
- Cycad
- Cyrtanthus
- Daffodil
- dahlia
- Dahlia Bulbs Not Seeds
- Dahlia Cactus Bulbs
- Dahlia Decorative Bulbs
- Dahlia Pompon Bulbs
- Dandelion
- Dec Sale
- Deep Water Culture
- Desert Rose
- Determinate
- Dilatris
- Dill
- Dimorphotheca
- Dinteranthus
- Disinfectant
- Drying
- Ducting & Clamps
- Dulcina
- Dutch Iris bulbs
- EazyPlug
- Echinacea
- eco-friendly
- Ecobuz
- Edible Flower
- effective
- Effective Against
- effective post harvest
- eggfruit
- Eggplant
- El
- Electrical Accessories
- Elegia
- endive
- Environmental
- Environmental Control
- environmentally friendly
- Eragrostis
- Erica
- Eriosyce
- Espostoa
- Eucomis
- Evening Primrose
- Evergreen
- Exotic
- Exotic Cacti
- Exotic Flower
- Exotic Fruit
- exotic grass seeds
- Exotic Succulent
- Exotic Tree
- Exotic Vegetable
- Extension Lead
- Extremely Hot Chilli Peppers
- Extremely Hot Pepper
- Eye Protection
- Fabric Grow Bag
- Fabric Grow Bags
- Fabric Pot
- Faidherbia
- Fan Controllers
- Fennel
- Fenugreek
- Ferocactus
- Ferraria
- Fertiliser
- Festuca
- Ficus
- Film and Tape
- Filters
- fish cleaning
- Flower
- Flower Seeds
- Flowering Kale
- Flowering Shrub
- Flowers
- Foliage
- foliar spray
- Food Processing
- Forget Me Not
- fragrance free
- Freesia
- Freesia bulbs
- Fruit
- fruit cleaning
- Fruit Seeds
- Fungicide
- Fungicides
- Galtonia
- Garden Cress
- garden plants
- Gardenia
- gardening books
- Garlic
- Garlic Chives
- Geissorhiza
- Gem Squash
- geranium
- Giant Pumpkin
- Ginger
- Gladiolus
- Gladiolus Bulbs
- Gloriosa
- Glottiphyllum
- Gourd
- Granular Nutrients 2 Part
- Gravel Root
- Green Beans
- green manure
- Greenhouse Plastic
- Greenhouse Supplies
- Greeting Card
- Ground Cover
- Groundcover
- Grow Room Trays
- Grow Tent Combo's
- Growing Bags
- Growing Mediums
- Growing Paper
- Growing System
- Gymnocalycium
- Haddcosp
- Hadeco tsp
- Hadecosp
- Hadecotsp
- hanging basket plants
- Haworthia
- Heated Propagators
- Heath Shrub
- Heating mats
- hedge
- Heirloom
- heirloom fruit
- Heirloom herb
- Heirloom vegetable
- Herb
- Herbicide - Moss - Algae Killer
- Herbicides
- herbs
- Hesperantha
- horehound
- Horseradish
- Hot Chilli
- Hot Pepper
- Hubbard
- Humidifier
- Hyacinths bulbs
- Hybrid
- Hycaninths bulbs
- Hydroponic
- Hydroponic Accessories
- Hydroponic Additives
- Hydroponic Bulbs
- Hydroponic Components
- Hydroponic Growing Bag
- Hydroponic Growing Medium
- Hydroponic Growing Mediums
- Hydroponic Lights
- Hydroponic Nutrients
- Hydroponic Plant Care
- Hydroponic Pots
- Hydroponic Seed Starting
- Hydroponic Systems
- Hydroponic Tanks
- Hydroponic Tent
- Hypochlorous
- Impala Lily
- Indeterminate
- Indigenous
- Indigenous Bulb
- Indigenous Shrub
- Indigenous South African
- Indigenous South African Bulb
- Indigenous South African Succulent
- Indigenous Succulent
- Indigenous Tree
- Inline Duct Fans
- Inline Exhaust Fan
- Insecticide
- Insecticides
- Irrigatia
- Irrigation Components
- Italian Flat Leaf Parsley
- Ixia
- Jerusalem Artichoke
- Jiffy Plugs
- Jiffy Pots
- Jiffy Trays
- kale
- Kiaat
- Kiggelaria
- Kitchen
- Kitchen Systems
- Kiwano
- Kniphofia
- Kohlrabi
- Kudu Lily
- Lachenalia
- Large Propagators
- Lavender
- LED Lights
- Leek
- Lemon Balm
- Lettuce
- Lighting Accessories
- Lighting Controllers
- Liquid Nutrients
- Liquorice
- Loofah
- Lotus
- Loudetia
- Lovage
- Lucerne
- Luffa
- Lupin
- Madagascan Palm
- maize
- Mammilaria
- Mammillaria
- Mange Tout
- Marigold
- Marjoram
- Marog
- Marogo
- Massonia
- Mayweed
- Measuring Equipment
- meat cleaning
- Medicinal
- Medium
- Medium Chilli
- medium pepper
- Melasphaerula
- Melinis
- Melon
- Melons
- Meters
- Meters & Controllers
- Micranthus
- Microgarden
- Microgreen
- Mild Chilli
- Mild Pepper
- Mint
- Miscanthus
- Mixed Flow Inline Fans
- mold
- mold treatment
- Monitoring Equipment
- Moraea
- Morning Glory
- mugwort
- Multiplug
- Mustard
- Mustard Greens
- Myosotis
- Nasturtium
- natural compound
- Neem
- Neem Oil
- Net Pots
- Netafim Irrigation Kits
- new product
- Nigella
- Night Shade
- Non Toxic
- non-gmo
- non-irritating
- Note Book
- Nymphaea
- Okra
- Olea
- On Sale
- Onion
- Opuntia
- Oregano
- Organic
- Organic Composting Agent
- Organic Fertilizers
- Organic Liquid Nutrients
- Origanum
- Ornamental Grass
- ornamental kale
- Pachycereus
- Pachypodium
- Package Deals
- Pak Choi
- Palm
- Pansy
- Parodia
- Parsley
- Parsnip
- Passiflora
- Passion Fruit
- patio
- Patio Collection
- patty pan
- Paulownia
- Pauridia
- Pea
- Peas
- Peat Moss
- Pelargonium
- Pennroyal
- Penstemon
- Peppadew
- Pepper Cress
- Pepper Seeds
- Perennial
- Perennial Flower
- Peri-peri
- Perlite
- Physalis
- Pillansia
- Pilosocereus
- Pitaya
- Plant Markers
- Plant Support
- Plant!t Systems
- plantain
- Plastic Growing Bags
- Pogonarthria
- Polianthes Bulbs
- popcorn
- Poppy
- post harvest
- Pots
- Potting Flowers
- poultry cleaning
- powdery mildew
- Prickly pear
- Professional Mediums
- propagation
- Propagation Accessories
- propagation cleaning
- Propagators
- Protea
- Pterocarpus
- Pumpkin
- Purple Broccoli
- Purslane
- Radicchio
- Radinosiphon
- Radish
- Rainbow
- Ranunculus bulbs
- Rape
- Rare
- Rebutia
- Red Amarant
- Reflectors
- Restio
- Restionaceae
- Rhodocoma
- Rhubarb
- Rocket
- Rockwool
- Roma
- Romulea
- root dip
- Rootbuilder / Root Air Pot
- Rooted Parsley
- Rooting Aids
- Rosemary
- Round Pots & Trays
- Sabi Star
- Safe
- Safe for animals
- Safe for humans
- Sage
- Salad Burnet
- Salad Greens
- Salad Onion
- Salsify
- sanitize
- sanitizing
- savoy
- Scallion
- Seed Potatoes
- seed preparation
- Seed Starting
- Seed Trays
- Seedling Heating Pad
- Seedling Trays
- seeds
- semi shade
- Shallotts
- Shrub
- Shrub Seeds
- SimplyHerbs
- SimplySalad
- Snap Peas
- Snow Peas
- Soil Enhancers
- Sorrel
- Soup
- Spanspek
- Sparaxis
- Sparaxis bulbs
- Spinach
- Spraying Equipment
- Spring
- Spring Flower
- Spring Onion
- Sprouting Seeds
- Square foot gardening
- Squash
- St Johns Wort
- Staberoha
- Starting Mixes
- Stenocereus
- Stevia
- stinging nettle
- Strawberries
- Strawberry
- Strawberry Seeds
- Submersible Water Pumps
- Succulent
- Sugar Peas
- summer bulbs
- Summer Flower
- Summer Savory
- summer squash
- Sunflower
- Sweecorn
- Sweet Basil
- Sweet Corn
- Sweet pea
- Sweet Pepper
- Sweet Peppers
- Sweetcorn
- Sweetpea
- Swiss Chard
- Sylvetta
- Tagetes
- Tansy
- Tarragon
- Testing
- Thamnochortus
- The Patio Vegetable Collection
- Thunbergia
- Thyme
- Tigrida Bulbs
- Timers
- Tomatillo
- Tomato
- Tomato Seeds
- Tree
- Trichocereus
- Trichocereus/Echinopsis
- Trimming
- Tritonia
- Tritonia bulbs
- Tritoniopsis
- Tropical
- Tropical Shrub Seeds
- tuber
- Tulbaghia
- Turnip
- Tylecodon
- Unique
- unique vegetable
- Vegetable
- vegetable cleaning
- Vegetable Seeds
- Veltheimia
- Vermiculite
- Vertical Wall Grow Bags
- VertiGarden
- Vinca
- Vine
- Vine Tomato
- Viola
- violas
- Water Heaters
- water lilies
- Water Lily
- Water Timer
- Waterblommetjie bulbs
- watercress
- Watermelon
- Watsonia
- Wholesale Seeds
- Wild Rocket
- Winter bulbs
- winter flowers
- withania
- wormwood
- Zea Mays
- Zephyranthes Bulbs
- Zucchini
94 products